The number of patients in a clinic in the past 7 months are: 647, 723, 750, 625, 536, 362, 772 What is the value of MAPE (in percent) if we use a four-month moving average method? Use at least 4 decimal places.

The number of patients in a clinic in the past 7 months are:

647, 723, 750, 625, 536, 362, 772

What is the value of MAPE (in percent) if we use a four-month moving average method?

Use at least 4 decimal places. 


Let assume, 647 is the number of patients for Month 1 and 772 is the number of patients for Month 7.
As per Four Month Moving Average -

Forecast = Average of Past four period Actual Number of Patients

Forecast for Month 5 = (647 + 723 + 750 + 625) / 4 = 686.25

Forecast for Month 6 = (723 + 750 + 625 + 536) / 4 = 658.50

Forecast for Month 7 = (750 + 625 + 536 + 362) / 4 = 575

Absolute Error = |Actual - Forecast|

Absolute Error for Month 5 = | 536 - 686.25 | = 150.25

Absolute Error for Month 6 = | 362 - 658.50 | = 296.50

Absolute Error for Month 7 = | 772 - 575 | = 197

Absolute % Error = Absolute Error*100/Actual Value

Absolute % Error for Month 5 = 150.25 * 100 / 536 = 28.03172 %

Absolute % Error for Month 6 = 296.50 * 100 / 362 = 81.9061 %

Absolute % Error for Month 7 = 197 * 100 / 772 = 25.518135 %

MAPE = Average of Absolute % Error

MAPE = ( 28.03172 + 81.9061 + 25.518135) / 3

MAPE = 45.151985 %

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