Choose the correct answer: While analyzing qualitative data, Kristen Kurrenski made a first pass through her notes. She read slowly and put a preliminary label in the notes to identify themes in the data. She was using

Choose the correct answer:

1 ) While analyzing qualitative data, Kristen Kurrenski made a first pass through her notes. She read slowly and put a preliminary label in the notes to identify themes in the data. She was using

A) open coding.

B) axial coding.

C) selective coding.

D) contingency coding.

E) divergent coding.

Ans: A) open coding.


The component of the analysis that deals with recognising, naming, classifying, and characterising phenomena discovered in the text is known as open coding. In essence, each line, phrase, paragraph, and so on is read in search of a solution to the same question.

2 ) When analyzing his qualitative data, Nicholas Grigoryevich made a last pass through his notes skimming previous codes. He looked for specific information or data that was related to the main themes he had already identified. This is called

A) open coding.

B) axial coding.

C) selective coding.

D) contingency coding.

E) divergent coding.

Ans: C) selective coding.


Selective coding is the final phase in Grounded Theory, and it involves grouping all of your categories around a single core category. As a result, you'll be able to develop a single, cohesive theory for your research. Selective coding, like axial coding, happens later in your study and links categories you've created from your qualitative data in prior coding cycles. In selective coding, you may build a core category by elevating one of the categories from the axial coding stage or by creating a new category based on your previous categories. The essential thesis of your study is represented by the core category.

The goal of selective coding, which comes at the end of the Grounded Theory process, is to either establish a new theory or change an existing theory depending on your findings. In an ideal world, you'll be able to express your hypothesis in a few words or lines, and it should be presented clearly in your study report.

3 ) When writing analytic memos, a qualitative researcher should

A) date each memo to identify developments in thinking.

B) put multiple ideas in one memo to save space and time.

C) blend data notes and analytic notes together to save space and make it easy to see links between them.

D) wait until all data is recorded and coded, then write all analytic memos at one sitting.

E) after writing an analytic memo, ignore it until it is time to write up a final report.

Ans: A) date each memo to identify developments in thinking.


Articulating analytic memos is an important part of properly evaluating qualitative data (e.g., key informant interviews, focus groups, observations, document reviews, and so on) and may greatly assist you in writing your findings. It essentially serves as the foundation for your analysis, which you will include in your final report.

4 ) Jacob Ladder developed a pure model of the "college student." He identified several characteristics that make up this picture of a hypothetical student. Next, he examined many college students and compared them to his idealized model. He discovered that students at private colleges fit the model better than students at public colleges. He also learned that women fit the model better than men and that the model fits students from small towns better than those from large cities, suburbs, or rural areas. He used

A) successive approximation.

B) illustrative method.

C) narrative analysis.

D) ideal type analysis.

E) regression analysis.

Ans: D) ideal type analysis.


As an approach that bridges the gap between these two traditions, ideal-type analysis is in a unique position. Within-case (or case study) techniques to qualitative data analysis, in contrast to cross-case approaches, concentrate on obtaining meaning from a single instance or participant.

5 ) Sybil Thorndike developed an abstract model of the "perfect" poem. Her model included five factors: (1) clear cadence of words when spoken, (2) expressive emotional tone or mood, (3) powerful imagery, (4) creative word choice, and (5) overall appearance on the page. She used the factors to evaluate how well a group of 50 poems fit her model. She had created a(n)

A) illustrative method.

B) natural history.

C) axial code.

D) ideal type.

E) narrative.

Ans: D) ideal type.


The typological phrase ideal type (German: Idealtypus), sometimes known as pure type, is most closely linked with sociologist Max Weber (1864–1920). As a result, in social theory and research, the "ideal type" is a subjective factor, and one of the subjective components that distinguishes sociology from natural science.

6 ) Which method of data analysis does a researcher begin with empty boxes or concepts and then go look for empirical evidence showing that the concepts are useful in organizing information?

A) narrative analysis

B) fixed analysis

C) successive approximation

D) ideal type analysis

E) illustrative method

Ans: E) illustrative method


Illustrative method of data analysis does a researcher begin with empty boxes or concepts and then go look for empirical evidence showing that the concepts are useful in organizing information.

7 ) Professor Clondike asked the people she was studying to look at a set of 150 photos she had collected of their community. Each person was to take a set of the photos and sort them into piles that represented categories that made sense to them. Professor Clondike then asked for an explanation of what criteria were used to divide the photos. The methods Professor Clondike was used is called:

A) illustrative method.

B) flow chart development.

C) time allocation analysis.

D) successive approximation.

E) multiple sorting procedure.

Ans: E) multiple sorting procedure.


The purpose of the multiple sorting method is to bring these personal strategies to light. In certain ways, the members of each group are similar to one another, yet they are distinct from those in the other groups. You may divide the image into as many groups as you want and as many photos as you like inside each group. It is your opinions that matter.

8 ) A researcher carefully followed ten nurses, one at a time, for four days. He recorded what each nurse did minute-by-minute and how long they spent on every activity. Afterwards, he examined how they really spent their time. He was conducting a(n)

A) time allocation analysis.

B) ideal type analysis.

C) matrix analysis.

D) successive approximation.

E) multiple sorting procedure.

Ans: A) time allocation analysis.


Time allocation measurement in the workplace is about not only collecting data on the amount of time it takes an employee to complete a task, but also understanding why it took the employee that amount of time to complete the task.14-Sep-2015

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